que significa la frase? Si bien un país puede sufrir una desaceleración en su ritmo de crecimiento conforme converge con naciones desarrolladas, en ningún sentido esto implica un estancamiento económico.
21 мая 2015 г., 13:12
Ответы · 5
I think a good translation would be "even though a country may suffer a slowdown in the rythm of its growth while converging with developed countries, this, by no means, implies an economic stagnation." Key words: Si bien= aunque= no obstante= all introduce concesive clauses growth rate = tasa de crecimiento money exchange rate = tasa de cambio (de divisas) converger = converge. In the text it is implied that developing countries will reach developed countries and at a certain point they will "converge", that is, they growth or wealthy will be equal.
21 мая 2015 г.
"While a country may suffer a slowdown in its growth rate converges with developed nations as in any sense this implies economic stagnation?" I think this is a question. This question is about, how one country can suffer when converges with countries more developed, and means about how its possible and how is it possible and how implies on you economy stopped.
21 мая 2015 г.
Rachel's translation is almost perfect, but it is not a question. I correct here her translation: "While a country may suffer a slowdown in its growth rate [while converging] with developed nations [this, by no means, implies] an economic stagnation." It's a difficult test, probably from an Economics book. Even most native speakers will have to read it twice. It means that when a country allies with more powerful countries it is possible that the economic results are not as good as before, but that doesn't mean that the country is economically stuck (I guess because now they have those good allies).
21 мая 2015 г.
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