What does"it's a tricky to do something" mean and how to use it? Thanks a lot. Dose it mean it's impossible or something else? and how to use it naturally
25 мая 2015 г., 7:28
Ответы · 6
It doesn't mean impossible. It means that something is difficult or complicated to do. Here's an example---> A fisherman handed me a fishing pole to use at the lake. I told him that I wanted to catch a big fish. He said, "Catching a big fish is a little tricky, but I believe you can do it! < Here's another example--> I asked my friend Robert how hard it would be to clean all the viruses from my computer. He said it would be a little tricky so I should do a lot of research before I start.
25 мая 2015 г.
It means difficult. Something that is tricky means something that you can be tricked into doing incorrectly or that is hard to achieve but can be achieved if you are careful.
25 мая 2015 г.
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