what does "five-tomato" mean on this context? The phrase which quite confused me is as follows: "The he would be drifting in Voidsville, out in the cold and dark, like a torn-loose astronaut in one of those five-tomato space flics." Well, Flic means "police"in slang, but "five-tomato"r? Not even get a clue. Does it have any story, perhaps relative to SF or something like that, if using "space flics" as a hint. Thanks for help^^
6 июля 2015 г., 9:39
Ответы · 5
'Flic' means police in French slang rather than English. 'Flic' is colloquial English for film/movie. It's quite an old-fashioned term, dating back to the days when films 'flickered' on the cinema screen. As for 'five-tomato', it refers to this film review site: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/ On this site, people rate films with tomatoes, according to how good or bad they think they are. I would guess that a 'five tomato flic' is a really bad one.
6 июля 2015 г.
"flick" (with a "k") is slang for film / movie. The original had a spelling mistake. I've never seen "five-tomato" before and I could not find it on Google. It's definitely not a standard term. My guess is that the writer probably means that the movies were low-budget with cheap special effects.
6 июля 2015 г.
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