sinbata busy
What forum you playing in your coutry? Hi everyone I visit forum sometimes,so what is your favorite forum in your country? Let's know about it Thank a lots ANSWER IN ENGLISH PLS
9 февр. 2016 г., 3:26
Ответы · 8
9 февраля 2016 г. (a quasi forum because it uses the Q&A form) or
9 февраля 2016 г.
Tieba is definitely most popular comprehensive forum but there are also forums focus on one topic where discussions are more serious and deep. Mine favourite is though it's already in decline. It uses Q&A form, more serious than reddit but more jokes or junk information than Quora.Much college students users and topics on natural science or IT is heated. Douban groups is also great but ..It had declined for years. 天涯,conspiracy theory,supernatural stories, even history or military once) It had declined for several years. 虎扑
12 февраля 2016 г.
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sinbata busy
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