Some short questions please 1_How to say The waiter who only work in houses not in restaurant, is 服务员correct? 2_ how to say this this sentence In Chinese? I buy airplane ticket from online shopping. 3_What is the opposite of 故意in Chinese?
20 янв. 2017 г., 21:22
Ответы · 4
For your reference as following: 1.” who only work in houses not in restaurant” for my understanding, do you mean those selling food in their own houses or rented houses without a business license? If yes, for those waiters working in such condition, may be you can call them “服务员”, or just to say “在里面工作的人员”. 2.” I buy airplane ticket from online shopping.”我在网上买的飞机票 or “我上网买的飞机票”. 3. The opposite of 故意in Chinese is 无意 or 无心 or 意外. Hope could be helpful :)
21 января 2017 г.
“How to say The waiter who only work in houses not in restaurant“ ??? What do you mean? Maybe you mean 仆人, servant or 保姆,nanny, housekeeper or 管家,housekeeper, butler I buy airplane ticket from online shopping. Maybe you mean: I always buy my aeroplane tickets online. 我总是在网上买飞机票。 故意 antonyms: 偶然,不小心,意外,
20 января 2017 г.
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