José Goris
Профессиональный преподаватель
Information evening 1) Schools have open evenings or days to give information about the school to students and their parents. Is there a special English word for such an evening? Or is 'information evening' the correct term? 2) Students are sometimes afraid that they will fail in a certain task, they have what we call in Dutch 'faalangst' , 'fear of failure.' Is 'fear of failure' the usual term in English? Are there synonyms?
27 янв. 2017 г., 14:27
Ответы · 2
US: 1. "Parent-Teacher Night" or "Parent Night" if all of the parents in the school come on the same night. If a single parent is meeting with their child's teacher(s) (and there are no other parents there), I'd call it a "Parent-Teacher conference." 2. "Fear of failure" is the term I'd use.
27 января 2017 г.
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José Goris
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нидерландский, английский, французский, немецкий, итальянский, шведский
Изучаемый язык
французский, немецкий, итальянский, шведский