"I am explaning to my father" and "I am explaining my father" which one is more common?
13 окт. 2019 г., 0:16
Ответы · 8
explain to my father you explain something to someone , you never explain someone
13 октября 2019 г.
Hi Mehrdad! "I am explaining XYZ to my father." or "I am explaining to my father that ... " is more common.
13 октября 2019 г.
I am explaining to my father (or I'm explaining to my father). Example: I'm explaining to my father why I can't come home for Christmas.
13 октября 2019 г.
They have different meanings. The first form is more common. However, it would usually contains more words. "My father" is the direct object. Your father hears your explanation. Usually the sentence would contain a direct object. The direct object is the thing you are explaining. The common pattern would be "I am explaining X to my father" or "I am explaining to my father that X." Here are some examples. "I am explaining the rules of baseball to my father." You are explaining baseball. Your father hears your explanation. "I am explaining our vacation plans to my father." You are explaining vacation plans. Your father hears your explanation. "I am explaining to my father why he should take route I-84 instead of I-95." You are explaining travel routes. Your father hears your explanation. You can say "I am explaining my father," but it is unusual. Here, your father is the direct object. Your father is the thing you are explaining. It is unusual to "explain" a human being. Here is an example. You: "My father is introverted. He spends most of his time with computers. He doesn't have social skills. He can be rude when he is talking to people." Your friend: "That's bad behavior. Are you excusing your father?" You: "No, I am not excusing my father. I am explaining my father." You are explaining your father. Your friend--not mentioned in the sentence--hears your explanation.
13 октября 2019 г.
Thank you Chris.
13 октября 2019 г.
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