How weak must a country be to fear an artist?
8 апр. 2011 г., 7:50
Ответы · 22
I know what you mean.The artist is 艾未未.But I just hope you can understand the CPC do not represent “a country”.
8 апреля 2011 г.
好的, 我用中文回答 他是否算是艺术家暂且不说 他是因为偷税漏税被抓的好吧, 不能说因为曾经光着屁股搞过行为艺术, 所以他偷税漏税就不能抓了, 不能说因为骂过共产党就有免死金牌的 德国也在查他的税务呢. 你可以去查查代理他作品的画廊, alexander ochs, 麻烦您劳神调查下背景在发表评论好吧,这次是政府那个部门的在什么样的情况下抓的他, 中国要求德国出示了关于艾未未的那些文件. 他之前大发厥词那么多, 谁关心他了, 除了顶着老爸的名声, 他自己有过啥建树. . 您至于这么着急么
9 апреля 2011 г.
Most countries fear certain people within their borders, the UK and USA are no exception with millions of $$$ and £££ being spent on intelligence agencies to monitor such people. In the UK we have the Terrorism Act which is abused by the authorities and the USA has Guantanamo Bay. Maybe China believes the CPC is best and people should follow
8 апреля 2011 г.
well, if you call that weak , than how would you explain this , that the gov. already knew that could bring something like this , some western countries would have another reason to blame on china . and someone like you who will begin to judge other's business before they really know anything about that but they still did so , seems they are not afraid of anything to me. Btw, seems artist turned to a cheap name that anyone could call himself so if he ever showed his naked body in public. http://ihome.skykiwi.com/attachment/201104/6/176880_13021215280oO0.jpg Another thing is i wonder why you asked this question, did you think that was unfair to Mr. Ai, or you thought that would be a good chance to show how special you are ? I know there is a lot of westerns like to see people like you , already could find someone among the one who answered your question.
10 апреля 2011 г.
As weak as China.
8 апреля 2011 г.
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