The adult monkeys rob tourist's bags 成年猴子抢游客的包 There were many wild monkeys on the WaWu mountain.They looked very cute, but sometimes they were a bit horrible. Many people were taking pictures of the monkeys, Suddenly I saw an adult monkey robbed a tourist's bag. Although there were some park staff standing the places with many monkeys. The tourist told it there was nothing, besides a bottle of water. The monkey didn't understand anything. It just opened the bag to find something to eat. Another tourist chased the monkey away with trekking poles. The tourist took back her bag. Did some wild animals rob tourists's stuff in your living place? 瓦屋山上有很多野生猴子,它们看起来很可爱,但有时候也有一点可怕。很多人在给猴子拍照, 突然我看到一只成年猴子抢了一名游客的包。尽管在很多猴子的地方站着一些工作人员。这名游客告诉他,包里什么也没有,除了一瓶水。这个猴子什么也听不懂,只管打开包找吃的。另一个游客用他的登山杖赶走了猴子。这名游客拿回了她的包。 在你居住的地方,野生动物会抢游客的东西吗?
19 мая 2024 г., 3:08
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The adult monkey snatches tourist's bags 成年猴子抢游客的包 There were many wild monkeys on the WaWu mountain.They looked very cute, but sometimes they were a bit scary. Many people were taking pictures of the monkeys. Suddenly I saw an adult monkey snatch a tourist's bag. There were some park staff standing at the places with many monkeys. The tourist told them that there was nothing else in the bag other than a bottle of water. The monkey didn't understand anything. It just opened the bag to find something to eat. Another tourist chased the monkey away with trekking poles. The tourist took back her bag. Do any wild animals steal things from tourists where you live? 瓦屋山上有很多野生猴子,它们看起来很可爱,但有时候也有一点可怕。很多人在给猴子拍照, 突然我看到一只成年猴子抢了一名游客的包。尽管在很多猴子的地方站着一些工作人员。这名游客告诉他,包里什么也没有,除了一瓶水。这个猴子什么也听不懂,只管打开包找吃的。另一个游客用他的登山杖赶走了猴子。这名游客拿回了她的包。 在你居住的地方,野生动物会抢游客的东西吗? When talking about animals taking things or food from us, "rob" does not sound very natural. It's more common to use, "snatch" or "steal."
Monkeys are not native to Australia. The common native wildlife I often see on nature walks and hikes include birds, ducks, kangaroos, wombats. If lucky, we may see a koala on a eucalyptus tree. These animals seldom come near us. Magpies (type of bird), during their breeding season in September are extremely protective of their babies. They may attack if we come close to their tree.
19 мая 2024 г., 9:29
The adult monkeys rob tourists’ bags 成年猴子抢游客的包 There were many wild monkeys on the WaWu mountain.They looked very cute, but sometimes they were a bit horrible. Many people were taking pictures of the monkeys. Suddenly, I saw an adult monkey rob (or steal) a tourist's bag, although there were some park staff standing among the many monkeys. The tourist said there was nothing in the bag besides a bottle of water. The monkey didn't understand anything. It just opened the bag to try to find something to eat. Another tourist chased the monkey away with trekking poles. The tourist took back her bag. Do wild animals rob tourists' stuff where you live? 瓦屋山上有很多野生猴子,它们看起来很可爱,但有时候也有一点可怕。很多人在给猴子拍照, 突然我看到一只成年猴子抢了一名游客的包。尽管在很多猴子的地方站着一些工作人员。这名游客告诉他,包里什么也没有,除了一瓶水。这个猴子什么也听不懂,只管打开包找吃的。另一个游客用他的登山杖赶走了猴子。这名游客拿回了她的包。 在你居住的地方,野生动物会抢游客的东西吗?
No, because we don’t have monkeys!
19 мая 2024 г., 10:55
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