Преподаватель языка: английский, Scarlett🌞KIDS


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китайский (путунхуа)
I love teaching kids so let's have some fun! 5+ years experience 😄
Откуда Соединенное КоролевствоГде живет: Brighton, Соединенное Королевство (04:24 UTC+01:00)
Обо мне
Преподает на italki с 9 Aug 2018 г.
Интересующая темаПутешествияОкружающая среда и природаЧтениеЕда
*CHILDREN ONLY* ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 Hello to everybody big and small! 👋 I'm Scarlett from England, RP British Accent 📚 Certified TEFL teacher with a BA(Hons) degree in English Literature 👩‍🏫 Over 5 years experience teaching children online - PRE-BEGINNERS WELCOME! I have dedicated my life and career to working with children in various ways. When I am not teaching online, I am a private nanny (childcare) and a mother to my fantastic son. In my spare time, I like to read, to hike, to practise yoga, cook and eat healthy and delicious food, and listen to music.
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Уроков: английский

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Завершено уроков: 49
USD 10.00+
RAZ English for Kids // Speaking + Reading
A2 -  C2


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USD 14.00+
Joey's Koala!🐨 // A1 pre-beginners
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Завершено уроков: 288
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Raz English for KIDS - 10 LESSON PACKAGE // Speaking + Reading // 中国学生 ( 孩子们 )
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Завершено уроков: 471
USD 14.00+
Joey's Koala!🐨 // A1 pre-beginners // 中国学生 ( 孩子们 )
A1 -  A2


Завершено уроков: 104
USD 14.00+
Raz English for KIDS - 20 LESSON PACKAGE // Speaking + Reading // 中国学生 ( 孩子们 )
A2 -  C2


Завершено уроков: 32
USD 14.00+


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Отзывов: 120

Ученик sherry
Уроков: 72, язык: английский
Выбор преподавателя
I'm so fortunate to have such an excellent English teacher who makes learning enjoyable and effective.
8 сент. 2023 г.
Ученик Justyna Jeżewska
Justyna Jeżewska
Уроков: 63, язык: английский
Выбор преподавателя
My son loves the classes because he doesn't treat them as lessons. It's just nice to talk to Scarlett and that is her success:)
16 июня 2023 г.
Ученик Ha Na
Ha Na
Уроков: 49, язык: английский
Выбор преподавателя
My son is 3 years old. At first lesson, he was shy, he did say any words. After 3 months he can speak long sentences. Scarlet teacher is patient and flexible. She also has my toys to make class funny and more interesting
18 мая 2023 г.
Ученик Viktoryia
Уроков: 11, язык: английский
The lesson was full of activities. Teacher Scarlett was very attentive to all aspects - grammar, pronunciation. She also was very kind and tried her best to make the lesson interesting and useful. That was so professional! Thank you so much!
20 февр. 2024 г.
Ученик Patrick
Уроков: 13, язык: английский
Nice teacher!
25 сент. 2023 г.
Ученик CN4165
Уроков: 37, язык: английский
Thank you for your teaching. I have noticed that Bobo has improved a lot since starting kindergarten middle class. Today, she wrote a capital letter "A" on the whiteboard by herself :)
23 сент. 2023 г.
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