Преподаватель языка: немецкий, Marianne


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Feed Your Curiosity, Find Fluency – German & Dutch Made Simple!
Откуда ГерманияГде живет: Asuncion, Парагвай (04:55 UTC-03:00)
Обо мне
Преподает на italki с 3 Nov 2020 г.
Интересующая темаПутешествияЕдаМаркетингФинансыЧтение
🗣️ Native speaker of German and Dutch. 🎓 Started teaching German & Dutch in Switzerland in 2012. 💻 Since 2020, teaching online on italki. 🌐 Language enthusiast: English, Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish. 🔥 Passionate about helping students achieve fluency. 🚀 I teach in the awesome way I'd love to be taught. 👩‍💼 I’m also a pro career coach with an MBA.
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Уроков: немецкий

Пробный урок
Завершено уроков: 141
USD 25.00+
German Made Easy: Conquer Tricky Grammar with Structured Lessons!
A1 -  B2


Завершено уроков: 797
USD 28.00+
Sicher im Sprechen: Konversationskurs Deutsch
B1 -  C2

Разговорная практика

Завершено уроков: 235
USD 25.00+
See It, Say It: Learn German with Visuals
A2 -  B1


Завершено уроков: 120
USD 28.00+
Interview preparation with the STAR method
B1 -  C2

Деловое общение

Завершено уроков: 1
USD 60.00+


На основе вашего часового пояса (UTC+00:00)
Мой творческий контент
Vocabulary (2)

Отзывов: 343

Ученик Francis Knight
Francis Knight
Уроков: 41, язык: немецкий
Выбор преподавателя
I've had the pleasure of taking Marianne's "Konversationskurs" in German for the last three months now. Whilst I already had a fairly strong grammatical knowledge of the language, she has in such a short span of time completely transformed my confidence and ability to converse fluently in German. Her attention to detail, and collaborative and patient approach, makes one feel totally comfortable in class and motivated to continue learning. Danke dir, Marianne!
30 авг. 2024 г.
Ученик Tommie McCullough
Tommie McCullough
Уроков: 41, язык: немецкий
Выбор преподавателя
Marianne is an amazing teacher. I have learned so much more in the last few months than the entire year I have been using Duolingo. She really helps you to understand the grammar, because without it, you have no hope of actually speaking German. She is always patient with me as I learn new concepts with the case system and everything. I definitely recommend her as your German teacher because she will teach you right the first time and make it as understandable as it can possibly be.
17 мар. 2024 г.
Ученик Catarina Cardoso
Catarina Cardoso
Уроков: 37, язык: немецкий
Выбор преподавателя
I have now been learning German with Marianne for two months and have found her lessons great and very helpful. I knew the grammar basics already however I was finding it very difficult to actively use the language. In our lessons we mostly talk and Marianne writes down what I say, how I said it, and corrects me, giving me alternative ways of expressing the same idea or explaining nuances in meaning. Also, we go through exercises tailored to my needs. All happens in a very relaxed setting. It's always fun to talk with Marianne as her culture, life experience and curiosity let's her connect with you and talk about many different subjects.
17 июля 2023 г.
Ученик Mircea
Уроков: 4, язык: немецкий
The style of describing images and talking based on them is very useful for when you want to talk more and you go through many real day to day scenarios to discuss.
22 окт. 2024 г.
Ученик Steve McMahon
Steve McMahon
Уроков: 5, язык: немецкий
Marianne is great! I already spoke a little German, and she has been extremely helpful with my grammar and vocabulary, and we have very pleasant conversations. She helps me to put sentences together to express what I'm trying to say, and writes down the correct grammar in a shared Google Doc. Those documents are great to review, and I'm getting better every week.
20 окт. 2024 г.
Ученик Gray Hunter
Gray Hunter
Уроков: 6, язык: немецкий
Plenty of gentle corrections where needed, Marianne speaks in German at a level I can always understand and gives clear advice and corrections. These lessons are perfect if you need to practice prepositions and articles in German.
29 сент. 2024 г.
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