Преподаватель языка: итальянский, Gabriele Sedda

Gabriele Sedda

Репетитор сообщества
Владение языком
Living in different countries, I face the everyday exciting challenge of speaking different idioms
Откуда ИталияГде живет: Other, Вьетнам (08:30 UTC+07:00)
Обо мне
Преподает на italki с 23 Jun 2021 г.
Among other things I am a photographer and a traveler. Being just a passion, even though constant, deep and strong, I like to consider photography as my main interest since decades, taking it very seriously regardless of the commitment as a business. This is my attitude in everything I do. I am an easy person, educated and relaxed. I feel comfortable approaching any kind of conversations with students at any level, and to share my experiences and to listen about their own.
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Уроков: итальянский

Пробный урок
Завершено уроков: 44
USD 5.00+
Impara e pratica la lingua italiana con Gabriele
A1 -  C2

Разговорная практика

Завершено уроков: 776
USD 6.00+


На основе вашего часового пояса (UTC+00:00)

Отзывов: 176

Ученик Karl Walsh
Karl Walsh
Уроков: 2, язык: итальянский
Great conversation
13 июля 2024 г.
Ученик Domenic
Уроков: 3, язык: итальянский
Just had my first lesson with Gabriele, which was great. Very interesting conversation, he spoke clearly and was easy to understand and corrected me where necessary. Highly recommended
28 июня 2024 г.
Ученик Ann D
Ann D
Уроков: 26, язык: итальянский
Gabriele is excellent, patient and encouraging. Grazieee
24 июня 2024 г.
Ученик Mike Canonica
Mike Canonica
Уроков: 13, язык: итальянский
Gabriele is always wonderful to speak with. He makes corrections, which is important, but does it in a thoughtful way. He is always extremely kind and pleasant.
20 мая 2024 г.
Ученик Mike Canonica
Mike Canonica
Уроков: 13, язык: итальянский
I always enjoy speaking with Gabbriele! He is very patient and is willing to provide feedback when I make errors, but he is always positive about it. He is a great teacher who seems very interested in me. I consider him a friend and look forward to future conversations.
18 мар. 2024 г.
Ученик Danny di Berlin
Danny di Berlin
Уроков: 6, язык: итальянский
Extremely helpful!!! Just what I was looking for. Thank you so much.
5 дек. 2023 г.
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