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Найди для себя лучшего преподавателя по языку: португальский.

Преподаватели: 449

Найди своего онлайн-репетитора по языку португальский, выбери одного из наших опытных репетиторов (португальский) и получи максимально полезный опыт обучения.

Учись португальский с учителем Guilherme.

Уроков: 1,713


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SPEAKS :португальский

Sempre tive esse instinto de repassar o que sabia e o que aprendi porque acho que estamos em constante troca de informações, o que torna todo o processo de aprendizado muito mais interessante e evolutivo.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 14:30 Сегодня
Учись португальский с учителем Cleiton Oliveira.

Уроков: 821

Cleiton Oliveira

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SPEAKS :португальский

Teacher with 11 years of experience | Celpe-Bras | Brazilian Lifestyle, Arts and Culture As a language student since I was a child, I know how is to be in the place of the student. So, during my classes, I try to create an enjoyable environment, using techniques that allow an effective learning process. When I teach grammar, I like to bring it to real-life situations, in order to generate a complete understanding and usage. The results are marvelous!

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USD 10.00/пробный
Доступно 19:30 Сегодня
Учись португальский с учителем Thays Oliveira.

Уроков: 212

Thays Oliveira

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SPEAKS :португальский

Sei como o português pode parecer um idioma difícil, mas eu quero te ensinar de uma forma fácil, tranquila e divertida! Quero poder te mostrar a forma real que falamos no Brasil! Então vamos conversar sobre as expressões do dia a dia, gírias, diálogos básicos e falar sobre qualquer assunto que você preferir!

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USD 6.00/пробный
Доступно 19:30 Сегодня
Учись португальский с учителем Carlos Daniel.

Уроков: 215

Carlos Daniel

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SPEAKS :португальский

I have been teaching Portuguese in my country over the last 3 years and I am taking degree in university to become a certified Portuguese teacher. I could have the opportunity to teach English which was a great experience! at the end of the day I can say languages connect people.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 08:30 Завтра
Учись португальский с учителем Gerfenson Ribeiro.

Уроков: 20

Gerfenson Ribeiro

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SPEAKS :португальский

Estudante de engenharia e apaixonado por idiomas Eu estudo diferentes idiomas a mais de 10 anos, então adquiri algumas técnicas que me ajudaram nesse processo, durante as minhas aulas, sempre gosto de tornar um ambiente confortável e leve de aprendizado, aplicando cada uma delas de acordo com o objetivo da aula, o que me rendeu a oportunidade de ser tutor de idiomas em minha universidade. I've been studying different languages for over 10 years, so I have acquired some techniques that have helped me in this process. During my classes, I always strive to create a comfortable and light learning environment, applying each of these techniques according to the lesson's objectives. This has earned me the opportunity to be a language tutor at Uni

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USD 5.00/пробный
Учись португальский с учителем BIANCA REZENDE.

Уроков: 805


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SPEAKS :португальский

I've been working as a teacher since 2006. I work in a public school. I can help anyone speak Portuguese with confidence. Atuo como professora efetiva na rede estadual de Alagoas há mais de 15 anos. Sou formada em Letras e possuo licenciatura plena em Português e Inglês.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 09:00 Завтра
Учись португальский с учителем Érica.

Уроков: 2,015


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SPEAKS :португальский

Brazilian teacher. Master's in Linguistics. PhD student. Mestra em Linguística. Estudante de PhD. Trabalho com o ensino individualizado, com foco nos objetivos e necessidades do aluno. Também adapto as aulas de acordo com as preferências do estudante e trabalho para que o aprendizado seja produtivo e eficaz. I work with individualized teaching, focusing on the goals and needs of the student. I also adapt classes according to student preferences and I work to make learning productive and effective.

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USD 10.00/пробный
Доступно 19:30 Сегодня
Учись португальский с учителем Mitch.

Уроков: 864


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SPEAKS :португальский

I accept students of all levels from scratch is a good start.

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USD 6.50/пробный
Доступно 19:30 Сегодня
Учись португальский с учителем Patricia Almeida.

Уроков: 693

Patricia Almeida

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SPEAKS :португальский

Certified TESOL teacher - a decade of teaching English and Portuguese As an adult English learner, I empathize with the challenges students encounter while mastering a second language. This understanding shapes my distinctive teaching approach, blending personal experiences with communication language teaching techniques. Whether you're an adult seeking to enhance English or Portuguese skills for work or travel, or a parent aspiring to elevate your children's language proficiency, I'm dedicated to assisting you. Through dynamic lessons, interactive activities, and tailored feedback, I am committed to guiding my students towards the attainment of their language goals.

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USD 8.00/пробный
Доступно 19:30 Сегодня
Учись португальский с учителем Rodrigo Santos.

Уроков: 335

Rodrigo Santos

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SPEAKS :португальский

🎁 Receive during the classes all material used on PDF 100% free 📋 You can always coutting on me to give you a feedback after the classes when you need and support on Whatsapp, E-mail or even using the Italki's chat. 🎖 In my classes I always strive to create a stimulating environment for learning. I look forward to sharing this learning journey with you and helping you discover your unlimited potential. 🏆 I am always looking for ways to challenge my students to go beyond their limits and reach their full potential. I set clear and realistic goals, providing support and guidance along the way. 👨🏻‍💻 In my classes, I also value open dialogue and encourage students to share their opinions, questions, and perspectives.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 19:30 Сегодня
Учись португальский с учителем Natalia.

Уроков: 2,388


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SPEAKS :португальский

I am very receptive to the needs of students and model classes according to individual interests.

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USD 10.00/пробный
Учись португальский с учителем Cynthia Azevedo.

Уроков: 6,251

Cynthia Azevedo

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SPEAKS :португальский

Professora profissional com mais de 15 anos de experiência Durante as aulas você vai: - Aprender vocabulário e gramática útil de acordo com seus interesses - Aperfeiçoar sua pronúncia e entonação - Aprender sobre os costumes e cultura brasileira - Ganhar confiança para falar português - Corrigir erros - Ter motivação para continuar estudando ao perceber seu progresso Durante as aulas, aconselho que você dê preferência ao uso de um laptop. Eu costumo compartilhar arquivos e materiais didáticos que são melhor visualizados no computador.

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USD 12.00/пробный
Доступно 11:00 Завтра
Учись португальский с учителем Vinícius Florencio.

Уроков: 5,581

Vinícius Florencio

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SPEAKS :португальский

Host of the BrazilianTalk Podcast and a Portuguese teacher with over 7 years of experience! Since childhood, I've been passionate about studying languages. That's why I not only dedicated myself to learning them but also pursued qualifications to teach. With over 7 years of experience as both an online and in-person teacher, I've had the joy of working with people of all ages and levels. Teaching, for me, is more than just a job; it's a genuine passion that brings me immense joy. 😊

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USD 5.00/пробный
Учись португальский с учителем Priscila.

Уроков: 6,150


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SPEAKS :португальский

🌸 15% OFF YOUR PACKAGE! 🌸 I'm a native Portuguese speaker and certified teacher from Brazil who loves learning and teaching languages! ♥️ Read the name and description of my lessons to find the perfect one for you 🥰 Please message me if you have any questions 🤗

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USD 8.00/пробный
Доступно 13:30 Сегодня
Учись португальский с учителем Nel de Siqueira.

Уроков: 212

Nel de Siqueira

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SPEAKS :португальский

I have fun in my job and I'm always learning new things with it too. What more can I ask for? I consider myself to be very patient and understanding with students. I try to motivate and inspire students, as opposed to pressuring or forcing them. I am also quite good-humoured, and prefer not taking myself too seriously, in a way. I enjoy studying and discussing grammar topics, as well as learning and teaching new words, slangs and idioms. I am a strong believer that learning a new language is far beyond simply studying its systems and functions. Therefore I am always keen to talking and discussing all kinds of topics related to culture, history, literature and what have you.

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USD 7.00/пробный
Доступно 13:30 Сегодня
Учись португальский с учителем Ricardo Sampaio.

Уроков: 255

Ricardo Sampaio

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SPEAKS :португальский

Estudante de medicina apaixonado por linguagem :) Our classes will focus on your speech. I will help you to find the best method to learn not only the language that you are learning, but any other. I'm a great listener so be prepared to talk a lot! I will do my best to motivate you in every class!

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 09:30 Сегодня
Учись португальский с учителем Larissa Damasceno.

Уроков: 1,883

Larissa Damasceno

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SPEAKS :португальский
бразильский жестовый язык (LIBRAS)

3 years creating a comfortable and fun environment for students to improve their Portuguese. Ensino português no italki há mais de 3 anos, e tenho uma abordagem mais informal. Nas aulas de conversa, dou meu máximo para que o aluno se sinta confortável criando um ambiente acolhedor. Nas aulas de gramática, gosto de provar que a gramática portuguesa, além de ser bem padronizada, pode ser divertida! I have three years of experience as a Portuguese tutor on italki. I like to create a calm and comfortable environment so that students feel comfortable talking about their interests and discussing anything. In my grammar classes, I really like to use songs and games to help you realize that Portuguese grammar can be fun!

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USD 6.00/пробный
Учись португальский с учителем Beatriz Mendonça.

Уроков: 1,219

Beatriz Mendonça

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SPEAKS :португальский

Professora certificada e falante nativa de Língua Portuguesa Já atuei como professora em um projeto voluntário de ensino de Língua Portuguesa para migrantes e refugiados no Brasil. Além disso, já ministrei aulas particulares e, atualmente, trabalho com ensino de Língua Portuguesa aqui na Italki.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 18:00 Сегодня
Учись португальский с учителем Juliana.

Уроков: 1,518


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SPEAKS :португальский

Art History teacher with a masters in Communication and Semiotics, over 15 years of experience Tenho experiência como professora de Artes e educadora em museus e trabalho na área a 15 anos. Nos últimos três anos tenho também trabalhado como tutora da língua inglesa, com estudantes asiáticos (tailandeses, vietnamitas, coreanos e japoneses). Planejo minhas próprias aulas e crio materiais e apresentações sempre de acordo com os objetivos dos alunos. I have experience as an Art teacher and educator in museums and I've been working in this field for the past 15 anos. For the last 3 years, I've been working as an English tutor for asian students (thai, vietnamese, south korean and japanese). I plan my own lessons, create materials and design presentations based on the students' goals.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Учись португальский с учителем Cleide Brandao.

Уроков: 1,079

Cleide Brandao

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SPEAKS :португальский
аргентинский жестовый язык

Soy licenciada en Letras(Portugués y Español) llevo 7 años enseñando portugués para extranjeros por medio de clases presenciales y virtuales. ¡Me encantaría ayudarte!

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 23:00 Сегодня
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