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In this episode, we’ll explore the difference between “到达” and “达到” in Chinese. Can both be used when talking about arriving in China? Tune in to learn their meanings, proper usage, and pick up some useful vocabulary along the way: 到达 (dào dá) 中文解释:指到某个具体的地方或位置,常用于描述空间上的移动或过程的完成。 英文解释:To arrive at a specific place or location, often used to describe the completion of movement or action in a spatial sense. 达到 (dá dào) 中文解释:指达到某种程度、标准、目标,多用于抽象的事物,强调过程或结果的实现。 英文解释:To reach a certain degree, standard, or goal, often used for abstract concepts, emphasizing the realization of a process or result. 地方 (dì fāng) 中文解释:指某个特定的地点或区域,通常是较小的、具体的空间。 英文解释:A specific place or area, typically smaller and more concrete in nature. 空间 (kōng jiān) 中文解释:指一个较大或抽象的区域,可以是物理的空间或虚拟的空间。 英文解释:Refers to a larger or more abstract area, which could be physical space or virtual space. 程度 (chéng dù) 中文解释:指某种事物的层次或程度,常用于描述抽象概念的深度或强度。 英文解释:Refers to the level or degree of something, often used to describe the depth or intensity of abstract concepts. 抽象 (chōu xiàng) 中文解释:指概念上非具体、非直观的事物,通常无法通过物理感官直接感知。 英文解释:Refers to things that are non-concrete and non-intuitive in concept, often not directly perceivable through physical senses.
You can say 到达中国 or 达到中国?
9 янв. 2025 г., 9:08
In this episode, we’ll explore the difference between "效果" (effect) and "效率" (efficiency). These two words are often used interchangeably, but they actually have distinct meanings. We’ll break down each term and look at how they are used in different situations.Tune in to learn more and pick up some useful vocabulary along the way: 效果 (xiào guǒ) 中文解释:指某事物或某行为所产生的结果或影响。 英文解释:Refers to the result or impact produced by something or an action. 效率 (xiào lǜ) 中文解释:指单位时间内完成任务的程度。 英文解释:Refers to the degree of completing a task within a unit of time. 有效果 (yǒu xiào guǒ) 中文解释:表示某种方法、措施或行为产生了预期的结果。 英文解释:Indicates that a method, measure, or action has produced the expected result. 有效率 (yǒu xiào lǜ) 中文解释:表示某种方法、措施或行为在单位时间内的效果高。 英文解释:Indicates that a method, measure, or action is highly effective within a unit of time. 结果 (jié guǒ) 中文解释:某种行为、过程或事件的最终状态或收获。 英文解释:The final outcome or harvest of an action, process, or event. 单位时间 (dān wèi shí jiān) 中文解释:指一定时间内,通常用于衡量效率的标准。 英文解释:Refers to a specific period of time, usually used as a standard for measuring efficiency. 进步 (jìn bù) 中文解释:指事物在发展、提高过程中的改善或提升。 英文解释:Refers to the improvement or advancement in the development or progress of something. 目标 (mù biāo) 中文解释:希望达到的预定目的或方向。 英文解释:A desired outcome or direction to be achieved. 速度 (sù dù) 中文解释:指物体运动的快慢,或是某种过程的进展速度。 英文解释:Refers to the speed of an object's motion or the rate of progress of a process. 名词 (míng cí) 中文解释:表示人、事物、地点、概念等的词语。 英文解释:A word that represents a person, thing, place, concept, etc. 形容词 (xíng róng cí) 中文解释:用来描述名词的特征、状态或性质的词语。 英文解释:A word used to describe the characteristics, state, or nature of a noun.
Do you mean 效果 or 效率
7 янв. 2025 г., 1:57
In this episode, I’ll discuss different situations to help you figure out who will pay for a meal when dining out with friends in China. Enjoy! Plus, you'll learn some useful vocabulary along the way: AA制 (AA zhì) 中文解释:一种支付方式,每个人平均分担费用。 英文解释:A payment system where everyone shares the cost equally. 平摊 (píng tán) 中文解释:指将费用或责任平均分担。 英文解释:To divide costs or responsibilities equally among participants. 请客 (qǐng kè) 中文解释:邀请别人吃饭,并且由邀请方承担所有费用。 英文解释:To treat someone to a meal, with the host covering the entire cost. 邀请 (yāo qǐng) 中文解释:向某人发出请求,邀请对方参与活动。 英文解释:To extend an invitation, asking someone to join an event or activity. 接风 (jiē fēng) 中文解释:为欢迎远道而来的客人而举行的宴请。 英文解释:A welcoming meal for guests, often held to greet someone arriving from afar. 庆祝 (qìng zhù) 中文解释:为了纪念某件特别的事情而举行的活动,通常伴有聚餐。 英文解释:To celebrate an event or achievement, often accompanied by a meal or party.
和中国朋友吃饭,Who Pay?
5 янв. 2025 г., 2:59
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