Claudia Escárcega
Hello everyone, I am looking for a language partner so we can practice each other's native language. I speak Spanish with Mexican accent, and hope to practice with someone who is a native of the English language
2024年4月29日 01:58
回答 · 5
Hi, I want to improve my Spanish speaking as well and am interested in being partners :)
2024年4月29日 16:42
Hi, Claudia! I would love to practice with you.
2024年4月29日 23:27
I'm not sure why my post says Wnglish. Lol. I speak ENGLISH.
2024年4月29日 18:44
Hello Claudia, I am a native Wnglish speaker from the U.S. I am learning Spanish with a Mexican teacher. I am only in the beginning stages of learning, but I would be happy to speak with you.
2024年4月29日 18:43
2024年4月29日 13:05