I need this place and pray in this place very much! alone💙 It is enough the feeling I feel when I see that picture and meditate on ALLAH's creation, we ask ALLAH to be steadfast in his beautiful religion💙 We are not good Oh ALLAH 💔but we ask you to fix us so that we deserve your paradise 😔
2021年9月29日 08:35
修改 · 19
I need this place and pray in this place very much! alone💙 It is enough the feeling I feel when I see that picture and meditate on ALLAH's creation, we ask ALLAH to be steadfast in his beautiful religion💙 We are not good Oh ALLAH 💔but we ask you to fix us so that we deserve your paradise 😔
I need this place and pray in this place very much! alone💙 It is enough the feeling I feel when I see that picture and meditate on ALLAH's creation, we ask ALLAH to be steadfast in his beautiful religion💙 We are not good Oh ALLAH 💔but we ask you to fix us so that we deserve your paradise 😔
Hi Estabrk, please message me. I have a gift for you :)
I need this place and often pray here alone! 💙 Just seeing this picture and meditating on Allah's creation is enough. We ask Him to be steadfast in His beautiful religion. 💙 Oh Allah, we are not perfect 💔, but we ask You to fix (heal? guide?) us so that we deserve your paradise. 😔
Here is a version where I've changed as little as possible. Hopefully between this version and Grace's rewrite you will get some good ideas about how to improve your English skills.
I need this place and pray in this place very much! alone💙 It is enough the feeling I feel when I see that picture and meditate on ALLAH's creation, we ask ALLAH to be steadfast in his beautiful religion💙 We are not good Oh ALLAH 💔but we ask you to fix us so that we deserve your paradise 😔
Assalamu alaikum varahmathullahi vabarakathuhu, this is Ibrahim from India, this above statement shows transparent love on creator 'ALLAH' May almighty accept you - ameen , I love to learn arabic , could you help me ?
I need this place, a place of faith and spiritual sanctuary💙 It is a feeling of wholeness when I pray and envisage the face of Allah, the creator and ask for his grace to shine upon his sacred religion💙We are with faults💔but plead with you to be merciful and mold us to be more like you so that we can be deserving of your paradise, Allah😔
Beautiful, spiritual piece