Shahoda 💕
One of my hobbies since childhood beside learning languages is drawing and making art in general (self-taught)... Here is some old drawings, tell me what U think?💜 💫I started making an instagram page recently in order to keep practicing called sh.kreativ and and one called sh.perspectiv for photography.
2022年9月10日 13:49
评论 · 1
🖤 ART = فن = 미술 = die Kunst 🖤 Hobby = هواية = 취미 = das Hobby 🖤 Childhood = الطفولة = 어린 시절 = die Kindheit 🖤 Self-taught = تعلم ذاتى = 독학 = selbst erlernt 🖤 Drawing = الرسم = 그림 = die Zeichnung 🖤 Photography = التصوير = 사진술 = die Fotografie #English #Arabic #Korean #German