Change work


I'm just curious.

Is it easy in your country to find a new job? I just realized that I really need a change but here in Italy it's not easy at the moment. Actually if you are a computer programmer (or at least you work in IT) there are more chances ... but what I'm looking for it's a brand new job not involving computer at all!


And you? Do you like your job?

2015年8月28日 12:35
评论 · 15

It used to be easy to apply for a job in the UK, but now the competition is crazy. The UK creates more jobs than the rest of Europe combined, and due to the high unemployment rates across Europe, and the lack of job creation, most people come to the UK looking for work. We have the jobs, but huge competition for them, so it is not as easy anymore. 


Ciao Vanessa! Eccellente domanda! Io vivo in California ... if you speak another language here, it will definitely set you above others! We Americans aren't schooled in the same way when it comes to language. Many foreigners think it is "arrogance", but it's not that, it's just that our education doesn't put a lot of emphasis on the importance of learning other languages (I'm not saying that's a good thing, just the way it is). That being said, if you speak other languages fluently (especially Spanish), and have good recommendations and work history, you have a very good chance here in the US I believe.


I am a Technical Writer here in San Diego and I love my job. I work for the military editing and formatting software enginnering manuals. I work from home 1-2 days a week and it is a very casual atmosphere. Plus, I live near the beautiful ocean and the weather is fantastic here! :-)


In Poland for example the unemployment rate is so high that finding a job is like a challenge... Many people do anything, mostly in black economy, to buy their "loaf of bread". That's why polish emigration is one of the biggest in Europe. But on the other hand Poles are the best workers you can find, imagine and wish as an employer :)


It is only obvious to have difficulty changing your job profile since you start to compete with people already in the field with absolutely no experience in your new field. Thus an employer will always want to pick someone more experienced for the job over you leaving you insecure with your job!

As for if switching will work. It depends on what qualification you have and how well are you going to compare against others applying for the same job. So it might help to switch to a relatively new field, a job that requires no experience, learning stuff online to add to CV, or do business but then again it requires capital investment!

Hope I helped!


In China there is an antique story 

look for a horse while riding on a donkey

it's means you must have a job first then you can find a better next

i think it's helpful for you 

good luck and take care
