Learning adjectives in Icelandic

Goðan daginn!

I was looking for some adjectives in Icelandic, but my dictionnary couldn't answer all my questions!


First, I was wondering if there were differences in Icelandic for "tall, high"/"small, short" and "long/short". Because I found 'hár' for both 'tall' and 'high' and for 'short' I found: 'lítill', 'skammur' and 'stuttur'. Are there differences of use depending on the context or something?


Secondly, is there any difference between "auður" and "tómur", because they both mean "empty" according to my dictionnary.


Finally, there are words I didn't find at all, and I think they can be useful. How do you say: 

dry (adj)?

light (adj, contrary of heavy)?


and how do you say "the best", "the worst"?


I'm French by the way, so if you know a good FR-IS dictionnary (online or paper), I'm open to suggestions!

Takk fyrir!!


2015年11月4日 12:04
评论 · 2

Góðan dag :) (One of my teachers was always strict on "Góðan daginn" doesn't make sense grammatically, but everyone says "Góðan daginn")


If your talking about height you can use hár , but you would usually say hávaxinn. But iff you want to say f.ex. This is high up, on the top shelf.- Þetta er hátt uppi, á efstu hillunnni. 
Then you're using hár.

Again for height you usually use lágvaxinn (short). Lítill means more small, not necessarily just height, so it be very vague to decribe a short person (lágvaxin manneskja) as a small person (lítil manneskja).

Skammur is often used for diestance f.ex. This is not far away frá....- Þetta er skammt frá... (this would need more context)

Stuttur is length, I think it's more for something relatively small, f.ex: The ribbon is short- Borðinn er stuttur.


Without nothing completely, I would say auður is more abstract f.ex. Blaðið er autt- The paper is blank. And tómur is not abstract (usually) f.ex. The fridge is empty- Ískapurinn er tómur


dry- þurr

light- léttur (also means easy)

thin- mjór

the best- bestur

the worst- verstur


*Note: I tried to keep all adjectives in masculine, except for in some sentences.


There are relatively good FR-Is, Is-FR in Iceland they're small and yellow. I've never used the French one, but I like the small yellow dictionaries that you can buy here. I think all of the words you mentioned would be in this book :)

What it looks like


( I don't know if you can order from this website to France)


Takk fyrir GRGA :)

Your explanations are very clear. And also thanks for the dictionnary recommendation!
