The world a friendly place?

Yesterday I heard someone say that the world is a friendly place. It made me wonder whether the world was, indeed, a friendly place or, instead, did those words say something about the person who said them.


Do you think the world is a friendly place? Do you think your answer says something about you?

2015年12月1日 01:04
评论 · 15

The way you answer that question says a lot about you. Not just your world outlook, but also what thing you look for and remember in people. A positive person at the end of a bad day will probably remember the best parts and forget what went wrong. t the end of a great day, a negative person might still only be able to think about 1 or 2 small things they didn't like. Everyday we are likely to encounter both friendly and unfriendly people. What we focus on changes our world view, and our world view changes what we focus on. It's a giant cycle in my opinion.


If you remove your news channels from your Tv, unlike the news' pages from your facebook, unfollow the people around you who see the world is a black place, smile to everybody you meet even you don't know him, help people, being a volunteer in a charity, travel a lot to places that you haven't ever known, have the right person to share everything with you, play and listen beautiful music, painting, and whatever you deeply love for sure the world will become not only a friendly place, It will become a lovely and an amazing place. It all depends on your life and what around you or what you decide to be around you . Just be the change that you want to see in the world.


Nada- Thank you!  That's a beautiful message.


Mark- I am sure you are right.   -S


DiemQuynh- thank you for your thoughts. No apology is necessary, your english is excellent.  -S


Hard to say I think. Also, it depends a lot on what you mean by `world`.

I do believe, and agree with this guy, the world is a friendly place. But sometimes, now and then, one time or another, we face some bad stuff.

I don`t remember where I saw this so I just want to share:
``the world is full of good people! if you don`t see them, then be them!``
