
I expected to hear  about  your traditions  ı wonder  about  different  traditions of  your  cultures  for instance  in my  country  it  is  a tradition  to  kiss  old  people's  hands  in our  religious  Eid 

2015年12月15日 18:44
评论 · 4

Ohh it's good to know that you have this beautiful tradition:)I've heard about it but unknown about the location.

Well, there are so many traditions exist in my country(India).Just like your kissing hand of elders,here touching the feet of our elder for the blessing.But now a days, it is least there to be seen as people are moving towards the city and may be feeling it like an odd gesture.But it still exists in the villages and most part of my country.There are many more traditions still  binding the people of my country and that's  why it is colourful.Unity in diversity is  seen here.

A heartily welcome to all of you to visit my country.Thank you:)


To spot the light on our society ... It is normal no just in Eid to kiss father's and mother's hand and the same for the grandfather and grandmother reffering to a respect. 

Now days this tradition began to extinction since the situation in our country and people not able to see the family.

I think this kind of tradition like double-edged sword ... it has the meaning of respect but sometime takes another way for referring to slavery in most of things and number one becomes the thoughts.


There are a lot of traditions in Vietnam because Vietnamese includes over 54 ethnics. I think the most popular tradition in Vietnam is "Lucky money". In the new year, the younger people give good wishes to the older people in their family, and then the older give the younger people envelopes that include a little money. Vietnamese believe that this tradition will give the older people good heath and the youger people can be lucky in the new year.



we do the same in Egypt with old people we've another tradition here in Egypt called (sabahia) sabahia is the next day morning after the marriage the wife & husband families are visiting the two couples & bring with them a lot of delicious food & after (sabahia) the two couples can traveling to any place in the world for a vacation
