Richard-Business Eng
Have you ever recorded your voice while speaking the language you are learning?

Q1  Did you ever look in a mirror to see how beautiful/handsome you are?
      (except early in the morning:)?

Q2  Have you ever recorded your voice while speaking the language you are learning?

Q3  Have you recorded your voice and then asked your language partner to comment on your       pronunciation?

Many italki members have recorded their second language, and they find it very helpful.

Here are the simple steps to take to use one online recording program "".

* Special thanks to italki member Leyla for introducing the use of our recorded voices in our Discussions.


To Listen to Someone Else's Recording

1 Copy the link (looks like "http//XXX/23/yyy")

2 Paste it into your Web Browser (Chrome / Internet Explorer / Firefox etc) at the top where      the website addresses are

3 CLICK on the link (the address) and listen

To Record Your Voice / To Make a Recording

1  Go to this website ""

2  CLICK on "Click to record"

3  CLICK on "Allow"

4  Begin speaking

5  CLICK on "Click to Stop" when you are finished talking and recording

6  CLICK on "Listen" to hear your recording

7  CLICK on "Click here to save"

8  COPY the link in the box under the words "Sharing Options"

9  PASTE the copied link into your italki comment


Lots of little steps, but you can do it.


Happy New Year 2016 

2015年12月31日 14:58
评论 · 26

Yes, I record myself everytime I learn a new word and say different ly until I sound most like a native speaker. It is important to practice pronciation with purpose because practice doesn't make things perfect, it makes them permanent ;)


Richard, I'm not sure which program my teacher uses but Skype has a list of programs for different operating systems:


The lenght of the recording depends on the session; I usually book one hour sessions.



Before I forget my manners, I want to say a big thank you to you Richard for this and numerous other posts. Thank you also to Leyla and prettyautumn.


Q1 No. I can't keep replacing cracked


Q2 No. My voice sounds awful even in English and a reason why I haven't done it. Plus it's the fear factor.  I use an iPad and I have had problems with Just making excuses I hear you


Q3 No. But it's a really good idea. I can inflict more pain on my language exchange partners ears as part of my New Years


Joking aside, like Laura, I find my language exchange partners assist with my pronunciation.

With one of my exchange partners, we are reading a long piece of text, which is in both languages and we correct each others pronunciation. It's a great listening exercise too.


Yes, I will try recording myself to see how I really sound.

Happy New Year to you all


I think pronuntiation is one of the skills that italki did not "work" so much (as many other learning languages websites) and through recording discussions we can work on it.


I hadn't done that before because I hadn't had the chance. It is not so easy to find an English language partner to send them recordings to be corrected. What I have done and still do are language exchanges conversations, and I must admit that they have been great so far! Or I have been lucky with the people I have met.


So discussions that allow us to read/speak are a good way to practice the pronuntiation. 

