Youth problems

Hi guys,

I'm a youth worker, activist, and leader in my community. My country is one of the undeveloped countrys in the world, and we are facing with many problems. I think that everything starts from young people, as they are change in the system. We have problems with brain drain. I would like to hear from you problems from your country, maybe some experiences, or good practices how to deal with it

2017年3月16日 20:30
评论 · 7
Well, of course brain drain is caused by numerous reasons. That's what I meant when I said brain drain, the society problems in your community, country or city. for ex.There are no young people in my city and everything is falling in to a "depression". Youth are not interested and even don't want to think about what can they do in their country. They just want go out of it. For me, one of the biggest problems is menthality of people. If a country needs a change, then people need it to. Politicans can be biggest mafia!!
Every countries face various problem,and many ciziten complain somewhat everyday.but when you look back 3years ,5years,even 10years ago,you will find it was not bad as your thought,everyting is better than as my experience,no complain,believe the time and keen on the future,you shall work and live hardly,you will see the change.
I think brain drain is more in my country than anywhere else in the world! But I think that's not the problem as the people who are working abroad send remittance to their family and that's the economic support for the country. But if we look at this issue in a different angle, then it does matter a bit in the development of a country as a country needs skilled workforces to be counted as a developed nation. But that is the job of the government of that nation. Managing things properly, reaching out to the citizens, providing them with equal opportunity and most importantly, the desired one they are looking for, should be some of the issues a government should take in order to eradicate the problems you are talking about. It may also stop "brain drain" and can convert it into "brain gain".
Brain drain is not a problem. Brain drain is just a consequence of other problems.
I agree with Katarina's opinion. Brain drain is a problem which is a consequence of other social problems, like low rate of employment, bad social welfare, few opportunities to develop, or other aspects. If a country can't create a good employment environment and can't make many career positions, there is no doubt that talented people will find a better place where they can get a better development and exert their talents. So it depends on the national measures which the local government put out. 