きらい。( I dislike it).


No, I am not saying that I hate it but when people in my family make fun of or don't understand the passion, excited I get when I study Japanese; that's what upsets me. 嬉しくない。。。かなし!

I wish that they could understand the effort I put in and the enjoyment I get from studying one of the languages I love, but they don't. I study 3 hours max a day which includes 漢字, vocabulary and grammar.

I have gone from simple words and  phrases like "美味しい and こんにちは" to full sentences like the one I have written at the beginning of this discussion.

All I want is even a little support and for them to say yes to go to my dream to go to Japan to study more there and to see the amazing places there. But no, I am not allowed that.

That's all I really wanted to say as I have no other places or people to understand me or explain my problem/thoughts with.

At the end of it all; しょかない。

2017年3月31日 10:29
评论 · 4
Help one of your parents to understand your passion for learning Japanese. England has a long history of exploration, studying, and respecting other cultures. This helps the British people learn more about themselves when they can see themselves through other people's eyes. Your study of Japanese is an extension of what Brits have been doing for centuries. Ask your parents to understand and support your endeavor if for no other reason than that you are their daughter. Once they do, they will join in your fight against less understanding family members.

Learning a language is really for self enrichment, while its a shame no one appreciates your talents, there isn't much you can do. No one uses Japanese where I live, but I enjoy every opportunity to use it when I am in Japan.

So continue to learn it if you are planning to leave home for Japan in the future. Just be mindful that once you arrive in Japan, you will be set on all sides by native speakers that will try and convince you your Japanese will never be good enough.

Its a sad reality, enough to discourage anyone hoping to improve their language skills by staying overseas. But I've seen a number of foreigners who have stayed years in Japan, and they speak fluent Japanese, so it is not impossible. You just need to take the first step and get out.


Funny how I'm reading this in the very moment when I'm so alone about my languages myself, once more. I'm hardly talking about it, I know they don't care for it, but when I do, it's.... *sigh*. And I just happened to do it before I clicked here.

But well... I'm used to it.

And I have an online friend who's a language fan, that helps a lot! :D

But actually... the most important thing is to learn to enjoy for yourself, I guess. To find materials that you love playing with, ehm, learning from. To see your progress and to be happy about it yourself. To love the language for what it is. Or for the people who speak it.

This was hard to accept for me at first, but since I did, I fully enjoy my studies.

I'm not saying don't try to persuade them, but in case you can't - don't let it frustrate you. If you're reading a book for yourself, you're enjoying that too, right?


People, who don't have a passion for languages, often don't understand, why someone is putting so much time and effort into learning a language. They often think, that it's not useful. Also, your parents might be worried about you moving alone to a foreign country at the other side of the world, so they don't want to encourage you. But I wish you all the best, when they see your dedication, that eventually they will understand you.

Is it ok, do give you some corrections? I don't really understand what you want to express with the first sentence "私は言じないだ嫌い", since the form "言じない" doesn't exist. I'd rather translate "I'm not saying that I hate it" with "嫌いだと言わない", but I'm not a native speaker. Be careful with short and long vowels. It is better to write いいえ and かなしい, and I guess with the last phrase you actually meant しょうがない.
