Syed Nabeel
Free Open Courseware in Chinese

Hi guys! :)

Can you tell me if there are open courseware platforms for the Chinese people which teach courses on different subjects for free in Chinese. Just like the websites in English like edx, MIT ocw, udemy, etc.

2017年4月7日 12:59
评论 · 3
Maybe coursera or some other moocs. There is a mooc called 学堂在线. It is a free platform builded by Tsinghua University. It is a very good mooc. The teachers on it are all great professors of Tsinghua University. I guess there may be some free course which you want on it.
Actually it's hard to find a platform you required above,you can try to make friends with chinese and have a chat in your free time,Isure you'll learn a lot.
there's a website names 网易公开课,  this is the link of the website. You can find the courses which are given by the Chinese teachers from different universities on various topics, mostly in Chinese(Mandarin).