Would you still study hard if you failed the exam which you have been preparing for it a long time? Would you still study hard if you failed the exam which you have been preparing for it for a long time?
2018年5月17日 09:42
评论 · 4

I don't know if I would study hard for a re-test. Depends on whether I really needed to pass the exam, when is the next opportunity to try it and whether it cost me a lot of money (that I don't have).

I would still study hard if I felt I needed or wanted to gain the knowledge.

Sure there’s not option about that I have to do it no matter what ✌[emoji]
if you can retake the exam, why not give yourself one more chance! Keep going and good luck!
Did you just fail an exam? I'm sorry. 

Anyway, I think it really depends. First thing first: can you retake the exam, or do you just get one shot? 