Yo Nog
Ideas for language classroom settings To every single successful language learner - please share your experiences of the activities you have done in your classroom, which you think have contributed to your language development.

Hi I'm a serving language teacher working at a public high school in Japan, where our first language "Japanese" has monopolized the whole country. That means it is quite hard for learners (especially unwilling ones) to get enough input and chances to do output except in the classroom for their language development.

I would like all of you to share your ideas of constant activities(not big, irregular, like events) that you have experienced in your school days.

Your opinions surely help students in Japan enjoy their language learning. I appreciate all of them.

2018年5月20日 00:50
评论 · 4
To melody

Thank you for your comments.

So what kind of topics made you interested back then?

I always wonder good topics for high school kids.

I think ,sometimes, free talk can motivate the passion of students.
Cesar: thank you for your response. I will try your ideas in my classrooms. 
Tell about the latest news for 5 minutes, tell something about yesterday, write down a song lyrics or fill some blanks, do role play by picking a random situation (at a restaurant, at border control, at a beauty parlor, etc)