Good live radio in Mandarin, anyone?
Does anyone know a good live radio in Mandarin that would be good for beginners?
Also, is there any radio that plays Chinese rock that we can access online? (eg. Chinese bands playing rock, alternative rock, indie etc.)
2019年5月1日 07:21
评论 · 2

You’re probably going to find the radio pretty complex if you’re a beginner, I still find it hard to understand sometimes. I’d recommend something like LingQ, where you can find more intermediate content, or Mandarin vlogers/YouTubers on Chinese and Western social media sites (like Bilibili and 微博), or even some easier television shows/cartoons. But if you are insistent on radio programmes, then try Dragonfly FM 蜻蜓FM, it’s an online radio site that let’s you listen live and listen again to most major radio stations in China. I went through a period of listen to a show on 江蘇廣播電台 (I think?) called 曉東有話說. The host had a nice voice and I liked his style. Be aware than when people phone into radio stations in China they often have very strong accents and speak something in between dialect and Mandarin, which I personally find very difficult to understand. Alternatively, you can use Ximalaya as recommended above, there are lots of podcasts on it, but finding something you’re really interested in can take a while. 


You can try “ “ which is a podcast site. The site also has an app.