Mery Kiara
Alguien desea practicar español para que yo pueda practicar mi ingles
Someone wants to practice Spanish so that I can practice my English.
por skype o google meet.
by skype or google meet.
2020年6月3日 13:55
评论 · 4
Soy un nativo de inglés y estoy aprendiendo español

agregame por favor
Hi, i am Nenad from Europe

I have a very strong US accent, if you like talking and making friends text me and i will send you my skype id

Looking forward to hear from you,

Best regards,

Hi! I'm from India and learning english.You can practice with me if you want.My skype id👇
I dont want to learn spanish.

if you are looking for someone to have a conversation and increase the vocabulary I might be of help. We can try some skype meeting :). I have studied spanish few years. If you are interested I can send you my skype ID.
