Will there be a happy day for Africa? hunger, poverty, desperate children... i'm really wondering , will be a happy day for africa one day ? ...
2012年3月10日 14:26
评论 · 2

You are forgetting the rape and sex slaves/ There was this story of a ten-year old girl who thought she was doing a good thing to go sleep with this man, and my God, she was only ten. He did that to her and gave her ten dollars, and she goes home not a child anymore in soul and with AIDS. In Dr. Wess Stafford's book 'Too Small to Ignore'--he preaches to help change the world, Africa's condition, one child at a time. Children are victimized by war, pornography, and prostitution, as well as by lack pf funding, feeding, educating, and protecting. Ye in a few short years, the world's challenges will be their to manage. Now is the time to act on their behalf and invest in children...because they are <em>'Too Small to Ignore'</em>


Have no idea, I saw some members of redcross help them. I meant give ways to survival. But there is a guy who dig a well then that well belong to him.

slave others to grow corn. But seem that he is a nice guy.

I dont know people whether would happy or not in developing process.

that is about their idea. For me I also spend much time to think how to be happy.

nobody can help that for me. but many people inspire me a lot.
