How do you find " what do you really want to be " ?

How do you find " what do you really want to be " ? It is quiet hard to find it. Sometimes i like something and another time i change my choice it depends with my mood. I mean like hobbies, i dont have specific hobbies, something i really like to do it, sometimes i get bored, and want something new. Its make me hard choose what i really wanna be, what kind of job do i really want, what kind of major do i really love the most, for me anything everything seems plain. How could you find "What do you really want to be in your life" ?

2014年1月27日 13:22
评论 · 13

@ Bruce

Thank you for you atention and your suggestion, yeah it is hard for me to look backward and indentify what i really want to reach, sometimes i do like finance, honestly, i like all random things, no matter what is it, i like phylosophy also, and languages for sure.

I dont want it also to inquire and consider about self-indentify in the rest of my life. I supposed to know as soon as possible what i really interested in. I believe sooner later i will find just need the right time to know about it. Actually, i dont want to be regret also with choose something i really have no passion in that case, but in another side i am so confused because i dont want to spend my time for non sense.

I usually think about it, i always worry about what people really think about me, i used to be like what you told me, it is a good rule, you told me that you penetreated your counciousness, never to try to " fit in" another people, gut follow genuine who you are, the really you, not to live in hipocrisy.



    In conclusion, I would like to offer a brief advice.

One of the common traps in which people immerse themselves psychologically, is merely trying to "fit in" with other people. That is to say, finding a kind of Unquestioning  Acceptance from others.


 It is a Delusional Pursuit at best.  It took me many years to learn that I had been living backwards.

It was never proper for me to try to fit in.  It was  the very essence of my human destiny not to "fit in" but to accomplish  the very thing that you inquire about here, which is discovering  Self Identity.

Once the idea  penetrated my consciousness, that I was never suppose to  try to "fit in" with people, but to generally express my own genuine thoughts and feelings,  I discovered an entirely different level of "reality" in which to operate.  I encourage you to do the same.






   Finding a SELF-Identity  requires that a person be active in some persuit.

This involves overcoming and reversing the Passive Condition of Mind which is the common condition that most people dwell in.


 It really does not matter What---One---Does,  so long as one does something.


  The other day, you were asking about   the purchasing power of Money  and also about   purchasing property  through a Real Estate Agent.   Granted that you have specific real life interest in Finance, may I suggest that you   continue to develop your knowledge in that area?


Learning about the purchasing power of Money in various countries, and learning about the Exchange Rates of the currencies can be a simple process, not difficult, and yet very interesting for you.


   It can be done by simply listing in your own Handwriting, the purchasing power of Several currencies around the world.


     By the way,  I struggled through most of my life with the question of Identity, just as you inquire now.  After many years of generalize Life-Learning, I found out that I had never  worked in the area which was my greatest strength.  That turned out to be in  my Analytical Powers  concerning Ideas

(Philosophy, Theology, Science, History,  Law, Art and so forth).  In addition to the powers of Analysis of Ideas, there was always an evident ability to communicate very well with people.




Hello Yustitia:


 It can be extremely difficult  for modern people,  and especially so if you have been educated in some kind of a state run or Public School System.  The regimentation and structure can make it difficult to

"find  one's  SELF"  because it does not allow for much privacy and independence,  or freely directed research.


  First,  what one needs to do is to act  independently of any outside influence.  Choose something on your own and  pursue it.


  I am currently engaged in doing precisely that with my grandchildren  whom I homeschool.

I have purchased soldering stations for  the children (about 9 and 11 now, boy and girl)  and they are learning to make  Do---It---Yourself---Kits.  My hope is that they will learn many new things and become interested in Engineering.


 You may have already taken a large step in this kind of Self-Directed Learning by undertaking the study of English.  




Hi yusti. You are not alone. I actualy do not know what I really want to be. I started being indecisive since I was in highschool. Everyone knew what they would be doing, where they would continue their education path. They took admission tests to get a reputable university. I felt indifferent, I did not know what to do. I decided to seek for a job instead; universities are expensive. I met new people in work places, the age ranged from my age to the old ones. I learnt how to deal with people. I only worked as a shopkeeper. one day I unintentionally met my highschool friend in a bus, she wanted to go to university. I saw her but she didn't see me, then I moved away before she noticed me. I did not want her to ask unwanted questions, I did not want her to know that I didnt continue my education. I felt nothing and embarassed since working as a shopkeeper in my country would not make a good living. 


After working a year, I started to think about university. back then, I did not know which major I should choose, it was my friend who chose the major. Everything was set up by others except the payment and tuition fees... I studied, I finished assignments, I tried to get good marks, I just tried to follow the rule.. now graduation is approaching,,, perhaps I will just be back to work.
