Learning Article : 6 Good Reasons To Learn French

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Whether you’re looking to be convinced, or you just need the tiniest of pushes to get started, here are six very good reasons to start learning French today!

2014年4月15日 00:00
评论 · 5

I particularly agree with point number 4, where you described the cognitive benefits of language learning.  I have experienced the mental benefits which come about upon studying a language including a better knowledge and command of your mothertongue.


Before I studied French, my English was pretty terrible even though it is my first language.  I actually failed my high school English exams because my expression, grammar, vocabulary and general flow of writing was poor.  


When I began studying a foreign language at university, I experienced what many of you will have experienced.  Studying French "forced" me to re-examine my own language, to learn the rules and to be well-versed in grammar.  The explosion in my vocabulary as a result of learning French has allowed me to more precisely express myself in English!  The better knowledge of English grammar I have now makes my writing more coherent and credible.


I now receive e-mails all the time from my friends asking me to proof-read and edit their writing (such as their essays, job applications etc).  This would have been unthinkable a few years ago! 


I thoroughly enjoyed your article Stephanie. I recently decided to revisit learning French ( I am happy that I have done so. I studied it at school, then forgot it as I have not used it in years. I always wanted to become fluent in a second language. I found your article interesting, especially the point about how it helps stimulate you brain learning another language. 


Actually, I used to study some French when I was in primary school. An interesting language I have to tell you, as well as Eng. I was keen on the pronunciation, culture and everything my teacher gave me. I really had a strong desire to go on my study, but when I grew up I nearly didn't have enough time then I dropped out. And it's pretty hard for me to learn French by myself because actually I'm not a very patient student. How sad it is!


Nicely put.  I couldn't agree more!! 


not enough
