Mind mapping


I'm reading a book about mind mapping. It's new for me. Ididn't never heard about it before I find this book. It's very interesting and also funny ! I'm so disrupted that it seems to be a good solution to organize my ideas.

What do you think about mind mapping for those who have used it or use it ?



2014年5月11日 05:42
评论 · 4


This is also associated with the learning technique called MIND MAPPING. Here is a link to examples of that technique:


So, to improve the faculty of Memory, one should begin to see things in different:

(a) Shades (b) Colors (c) Sizes (d) Textures (Hard/Soft, Rough/Smooth)

This is how the Mind is developed.

If the links do not seem to work, just do a web search for IMAGES + GRAY SCALE


In addition, Memory is greatly improved in a language study by much Repetition.

This can be with Songs, Nursery Rhymes, or Poems. If you learn just one, and begin repeating it mentally or verbally, the ability to memorize the language will be speeded up.






 I teach   Mind-Mapping  to all of my students. 


  Here is the standard essay I use to introduce the subject.




Memory is improved by visualization. People with highly developed memories are highly visual.

My method is like this. I do not see in my mind, words like "this" as printed on this page. If a word is important to know, I see it like this; THIS or THIS.

I also see words like Giant Letters across the Sky, or in colorful patterns like Scotch Plaids or Neon Colors.

I began doing this about the time I began marking my paperback books with colored pens.

When people start to really Think----For---Themselves, they learn to see differently, which means that they are Memorizing Differently. It helps if you start thinking about something called

The Gray Scale. That way, you can begin visualizing words in different shades with your shades of preference used for special words. Here is a link to some GRAY SCALES:;_ylt=A0SO8xPUs1dTiWEAZf1XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByN3U3dWdwBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA0RGRDZfMQ--?_adv_prop=image&fr=mcafee&sz=all&va=gray+scale





i use it in history class , it's really helpful , i remember everything without huge efforts like i used to do


I use it to encourage creative thinking in my students. We just follow the word-associations, and at some point or another I stop and get them to tell a short story based on the word or phrase we are at.
