Let's play revise word

Today I  have subscribed to one English educational site, which will send me a word to revise every day. Today's word is treatment.

Let's write sentences. Hopefully someone will correct them.

My sentence is- Abola Virus, which has been spreading in Africa, has a high death rate, treament is almost helpless.

2014年8月9日 18:55
评论 · 12

if I get sick, I will need medical treatment. If not I'll treat me sicker


Today's word is sympathy. It's means  share feeling or emotion of other person, usually sadness.

I wanted to experess sympathy at the loss to each family who lost members of their families or friends or co-workers in the terrible air crash in Russia.


Today's word is leak. Leak is a verb and means to escape from small hole.

I want to use it figuratively. Sometimes information, which can dumbfound world leaks in Media.


Smash to break or to be broken in small pieces.

The strong wind opened the window and smashed mom's favourite vase.


Today's word id harvest. Harvest can be as verb as a noun and means to gather crop or crop after gathering.

This year we are experiencing terrible drought, it seems it wouldn't anything to harvest in autumn.
