when you feel down, what will you do then?
2014年8月20日 16:31
评论 · 7


  I can indicated that I engage in  reading and research.  That puts my mind toward

constructive activity.   I  also turn my thoughts to helping others.

Sometimes,  I just find  a piece of classical mustic to listen to, such as Musgorsky's

"Pictures At An Exhibition".   In the end however, I always turn to prayer, because it never fails.


Something else I do when I feel down is to go out and ride my bike.  I tend to pedal at a pretty fast pace, yet on the highway it is a solitary experience where you can be within your mind the entire time.  I think I'm one of the lucky few that experiences some fairly noticeable endorphin rushes while exercising and the combination of that plus the internal thinking works really well at providing me with focus and leads to an uplifting experience.  I'm never unhappy when I get off the bike.


When I feel down, I stay in my corner and I talk to God through Sacred Father-Laval who has an important place in my life.


Thank you for this question because I too would like other people to share their ways to get over difficult time...For me it's not easy to distract my thoughts to other things than the reason which caused bad mood. Sometimes classical music, which I love very much, can make me even worse...sometimes I am not able to concentrate on constructive activity...unfortunately I am not able to pray as deeply as I would like to because I was brought up in Soviet Union with its atheistic education...I try to read anything...and sometimes I can find something like hint which help me to look at my problem from other point of view. It helps if I do something pleasant for myself...it might be very simple things like good optimistic film, buying small beautiful piece or just something very tasty:)     


Oh, my apologies.  I enjoy a piece of music as well as a pick me up.  Something like The Engulfed Cathedral, by Claude Debussy.
