Website Ialki

I woudl like to suggest to improve the current website in order to make it more user friendly.

I am quite handy in PC and software biut this website to me seems too complicated in menu style.

There is not such an easy (same) way to contact your teacher. Several routes exist to do this and this show the weakness the same time. Once choosen one or more teachers shoud (in my view) allow a simple menu for further contact and discussion. It should be like at the top menu an extra item should appear like "your teachers"and after clicking this a submenu splitted up the several teachers and disucussions/ appointments. Thanks all for attention.

 NB: Also the menu below (before sending this message shows: This discussion is for learning "onlt two languages can be choosen"!  Then This discussion is written in language? "only Dutch /Italian" can be choosen but I wrote in English!???

2014年10月9日 14:24
评论 · 4

Sjaak, go to the very bottom of this page and you will see "contact". Click on that. You will see where they say if you have any questions to click on a link. That's how you contact them. 


I think they do go through all the discussions etc. to make sure there isn't bad stuff, but I don't think they read every suggestion or post in the discussions unless someone flags them. That's why you would need to send them suggestions directly. 


It can't hurt to make suggestions. If they implement them or not of course will depend on lots of things that only they would know about. I'm pretty sure, based upon their reaction to my suggestions, that they would be open and cordial at least. It's worth a try!


Thanks for recognising Ruthi. Also Dorothy wrote something relevant although I thougt it's just also the italki team are reading topics on discussions. Why setting up such a platform without being involved as a platform owner. This again shows an extra weakness pointvof this website. Dorothy can you tell how to approach the Italki team? To be honest I'm not confident in any advantage if this route. I am not a developer of website and only can make suggestions to improve but are they followed up? That's not easy remember. Hence I'm affraid I will quit before any improvement has been made it's a pitty since the basic goal of Italki in my view is excellent. basics is excellent!


Why don't you just send your suggestions into Italki? 

I made a couple of suggestions directly to them when I got here and later they were incorporated. 

Only Italki itself can say whether they have the resources or priorities or manpower at any given time to incorporate suggestions. I mean, it's fine to talk about things like this with others here, but I'm pretty sure Italki doesn't read every discussion so they will never see your suggestions unless you send them in directly to them. 




I agree,Sjaak.Also the notifications menu is not very convenient,and rather slow.

I think there could be some changes in the interface which would make it more user friendly as you have suggested.I am also not really clear of the point of the follow button.Lots of people are following me, and I am not necessarily following them back.What is the point of that? Is it like friending on Facebook just so that they can send me a message? It's a little unclear what the function is.
