Mo Riddiford
Learning Article : Focus On The Positive: A Success Story

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Success breeds success. So here's a little success story to help you get the motivation you need for those moments when the going gets tough. Don't give up on your language learning!

2014年11月21日 00:00
评论 · 21

Hi everyone,

Did you notice the mistake in the introduction?

It should be "success breedS success".

It's not my fault, since I didn't write this introduction.

But here's the important message: did the mistake make you confused?

I feel sure it didn't.

So please don't focus too much on your mistakes.

Keep your focus instead on your success, and your joy with other English speakers!

Good luck!



thanks alot. you are really an inspiring person. now i feel more confident about learning my second language. and i say it loud YES I CAN SPEAK MY ENGLISH LANGUAGE :)


Wow, this is such a really great motivation story! Thank you!

"Masters in anything don't wait for positive affirmation from outside.

They do it for themselves to themselves." My favorite quote :)



Thank you very much.I have more confidence now.I will do my best to learn a second language.Just like you!
I just read the article today, seems late, but this article show up in the right moment. Your story so encouraged me. Now I feel more confident, I will keep learning. Thank you ^^