Are there some websites in welsh and irish, easy to read for beginners?

Reading helps me a lot with the languages im I thought it may be good. I am not even intermediate in welsh, but i think I could read some simple texts.

Even if I'm not yet learning irish, soon I hope to start it as well...

2015年2月22日 21:30
评论 · 3

I came across this:

You can read short articles on various topics in both northern and southern Welsh.


You may also find something on the BBC Wales website:


For Irish, you could try Beo!, an online magazine with built-in translation of difficult words and phrases:


There are quite a lot of fairly inexpensive little books available for students of both Irish and Welsh which contain on-page, or end-of-book glossaries of new or difficult words. One example is the Welsh series Cam at y Cewri, published by Gomer.


Se mi vengono in mente altri, ti faccio sapere.


Thanks Coligno, that will be very useful for practicing. Since reading only grammar books, once i become about intermediate, come be boring and for the little books i dont know if they are aviable outside the UK. 

Grazie mille per i consigli!
