Resources for learning Indonesian!

Does anyone on here know a good website or PDF book for learning Indonesian? It's been hard to find good online materials, with programmatic content and such. Thank you in advance. 

2015年3月6日 18:33
评论 · 5

A good resource for vocab-building would be Memrise, but I guess you probably know that already.


I found several interesting PDF textbooks by googling these following phrases... (Make sure you copy-paste exactly the words between the quotation mark, otherwise you might get other results)


"Survival Bahasa Indonesia filetype:pdf"


(the one published by eca.state.gov seems quite interesting for beginners)


"Teks Buku Bahasa Indonesia filetype:pdf"


(Anything that has SMP or SMA in the search results means that they are published for the use of Indonesian middle schools and high schools, so you can expect these materials to be quite challenging and structured)


The University of Hawaii has a complete first-year course online for free. You can do it in your browser, or download the lessons (pdf) and audio files. Google "The Indonesian Way".


i can teach you bahasa Indonesia if you want to. My name is Devina and i come from Indonesia. You can add me on skype my id is devinasamantha. :)


Thomas, yes, I've studied through Memrise. Anyway, thank you for your time.


Thank you very much. 
