Learning lyrics of songs to practice your language skills.

a) Do you think it's useful? 

b) Which songs are your favourite? 

c) How often do you sing? 

d) Do you think music stimulates the language part of your brain? 

2015年3月13日 11:13
评论 · 8

I rarely  do it for any specific goal (practice or whatever):) I just easily memorize lyrics in languages I don't speak... seems, more easily than in Russain or English. I do it for fun...

And sometimes it happens that I wish to understand a foreign song, so i analyze it and as result I remember some of the lyrics. It is all side-effects of side-effects of side-effects of curiousity.

I remember few songs in Afrikaans, in French, in Italian, etc., etc., etc......
And I sing quite often, when there are nobody aroud :)

Of course, it does help to understand some texts. But I don't learn most of those languages.


- In my opinion Learning lyrics of songs is one of the most important activity to practice your language skills. it is really helpful, it teaches you lots of things such as (pronunciation, new words, practice listening......etc).

- I don't have a favourite song. I just listen to practice English, however after I heard any song sometimes I feel I really like that song, and I wanna play it again.

- I sing from three to five times a week( I sing in English conversation course, I have a Karaoke program on my phone when I have free time I sing, when I want practice talking I play any song and sing it).

- I don't know about physical things in our brain, but I think that music stimulates the language part of our brain.


I am not music lover but it's been very helpful for me. It helps me for correct prononciation. 


I have many favourite, I mostly listen Enrique Iglesias's song and I often sing "heart attack" song of Enrique. 


I do agree yes it's stimulate. When I try to sing any English song, I feel like I relate to that language and gives me more confidence. 



Hi, Barbara, I think is very helpful listen music for learn pronunciation.

I don´t have a melody favorite, for me is very dificulty know what is the best, there are many good melodies.

Everyday I am singing.

I am sure that the music is very important for improve languages days and lives.

Good luck

Good day


Yes , I found it useful but I found TV serieses and movies much more useful for learning conversational language.
