Do you see that the Scientific explanations loses the things it's beautiful meaning?

Like, when you see the rainbows and think that the fairies who made that it will be 
imaginary, romantic and Exciting, But when I tell you that is caused by refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky, you will find it not interresting and senseless.

2015年3月26日 10:37
评论 · 7

Personally I think knowing the science behind anything beautiful or the creation at large makes it all the more fascinating but I understand what you mean, beauty is even more beautiful when enigmatic and unattainable


I'd rather to hear the harsh truth than the beautiful lies. Furthermore, the rainbow is more magnificent and more interesting to watch for me now because I know it is caused by “refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky” :)

Science should be appreciated because it gives us the true meaning of things and events


Inside of each of us there are two persons, the adult who seeks to know why and the child who dreams, fantisizes, and enjoys the wonders of this earth.


Rainbows that I saw as a child were mysterious and beautiful.  I imagined that if I could travel to the end of a rainbow I would become surrounded in color.


When I learned how rainbows were created they became even more special.  Have you ever created rainbows on the wall with a prism in a sick child's room. THAT is beauty.


Mirna, for a scientist science is beatiful.
May it be that they just taught it to you in a wrong way?

Anyway, 'scientific' description of a thing is nothing different form this thing itself.  Why do you think that a rainbow needs fairies to be beutiful?
And why do you think that science denies fairies?
