Nguyen The Vu
Funny facts about learning Vietnamese!!!!


Many foreigners have learnt Vietnamese but not many of them can speak Vietnamese fluently. Why? The reason is that Vietnamese has so much dialects and people seem to speak their local language. How to overcome this? Learners can only overcome this challenge if they can begin to speak Vietnamese in their very first lesson.


Some foreigners can speak Vietnamese very well and what is their advice? They say '' You should only study how to talk and understand, not to study so deeply about grammar like you study English. The reason is that people just speak Vietnamese and not see grammar to be important. If you study too deeply, you will be lost in a mass of knowledge!!!!! '''

2015年3月30日 02:17
评论 · 8

@Mikey Phong Mitchell : I will help you, and I have a bit of understanding about what you said in here. If you have a patience, you will achieve your goals. I imagine that you have a deep recall about Vietnam. 

I hope that you can help me with English. We can exchange the languages in conversation. I'm pleased to help you. 


I think u are possible true, I'm not specialised language in language. But I think foreigners who want to learning Vietnamese should forget learning grammar. Because grammar will slow them down when speaking Vietnamese, it is maybe true when learning English and all of other languages. 


Dialects would be problem for foreigners, but of course we have a standardized Vietnamese. I think if foreigners want to learn Vietnamese, they can learn standard Vietnamese and make a lot conversation with Vietnamese. And their peer-Vietnamese should limit dialects while taking to them.


Dealing with multiple dialects is a serious problem for newbies for sure.  Thanks for all the help you've provided for my Vietnamese! You're a good teacher. I hope someday to be much better, but learning this is a slow process. Learning grammar is definitely not the way people learn their native language. Language learning and teaching these days needs to take advantage of the new technologies that are available to provide a heightened level of exposure to comprehensible input that is at the level of the learner.


Khong co gi. :) It is great for me to mee you as well. :) I hope to eventually become fluent in our language. I do remember the sounds as if I have just heard them. The sounds are in my subconscious. I need to relearn our language so I can hopefully talk with my birthmother and family if I ever find them.


I had three dreams in which people were speaking Vietnamese. The first two, I understood the people, but didn't speak to them. The third one, the kids were speaking it, but I couldn't understand what they were saying. They brought me to a woman who seemed to be their mother and I could not understand her at all. :(


Do you have Facebook and/or Skype?? If so, you may add me. If you have the same picture on FB and Skype, you do not need to tell me who you are since I already have seen your picture. :)


Cảm ơn Mikey Phong Mitchell. It is great for me to meet you too.
