Can anyone listen to my English pronunciation, plz?



I was wondering if anyone could listen to me and let me know their opinion! My pronunciation tends to be a bit American, I haven't eliminated my Persian accent so much though!


Thank you in advance! :)

2015年3月31日 10:26
评论 · 5

He Leila,


The rhythm is the first thing that struck my ears (excuse the pun). The syllables sound too even, and I can immediately tell that you're non-native. Native English speech (US, UK, Canada, Australian, NZ, etc) has a different rhythm, and you need to work on that. A different intonation is also needed, of you want to have an English "flow" to the sound of your voice.


Be careful of the pronunciation of certain words, eg. <em>shone</em> sounded like <em>shown</em>.


You don't actually have a specific "accent" - some vowels sounded quite British - but nothing definite enough. Actually, the vowels need the most work, as I heard some long sounds which should be short. Also, more focus on the <em>th</em> sound.


A shorter recording could allow us to be more specific... but that good news is, I could understand you. :)


*He<em>llo</em> (I think my mouse slipped... sorry.)


@ Yasar, sorry, I forgot to put the link in the main disuccussion:

here it is: https://soundcloud.com/eilaaa93/pronunciation

if possible, have a listen and let me know what you think!


Do you have Skype? 


Sorry! here's the recording: https://soundcloud.com/eilaaa93/pronunciation
