How to speak English like a Native ?

How to speak English like a Native ?

find a native speaker as partner is the best ?

2015年4月18日 15:31
评论 · 6

You also need to learn slang That is pretty important. I have a math teacher who is obviously not a native speaker even though his english is really good.  It is the small things he says like saying 2x-1 he says twice x instead of two x. So you want to focus on the small things like that.


To speak well enough in another language that people understand you is a great achievement in itself. To reduce your accent such that people can understand you easily is an enormous obstacle that requires a lot of practice. Talking with natives, focusing on pronunciation, and immersing yourself in the language can help a lot.

To really sound like a native? That may require special instruction from a specialist. I have had classes with many wonderful teachers of Spanish over the years, but only a few had the skills to really help me with sounding like a native. It is difficult because sometimes you have to unlearn things that you just learned! (people don't really speak like in grammar books unfortunately). For myself, I am happy at the moment to have improved and I am not going to worry about sounding exactly like a native.


Hi! First listen to how native speakers use the language - on TV as well as in real life. Then you can start talking, first to yourself, to gain confidence, then to a non-native speaker in order not to feel bad about making mistakes, and when you feel confident enough, you can start talking to a native speaker.


Hi !


Finding a native speaker OR non-native that has a really good english is one of the best way. Of course living in an english country helps a lot but if you have poor pronunciation skills, well you'll have to practice a lot.

An alternative way is to watch a lot of movies, tvshow etc... in english of course.


Your question is also the best answer. Totally agreed with you Henry ;)). However, It's also depend on the way that a person can do good in imitating other or not.
