I want to learn English Language

i want to learn english language.my writing skills are much better then speaking and listening...and these are my weakest points. I have problem in understanding words when someone speaks to me in english and i also have problem in speaking in english.I really need to improve these sections.

2015年5月18日 18:18
评论 · 4

I understand you! I have the same problem. But, although, I work on my pronunciation. I've been working on it for a very long time. I would say 2 or 3 years. So, my writing English is much better than my spoken English, my pronunciation skills are very good (but of course I still have a little Russian accent especially when I'm trying to say not familiar words to me). But, unfortunately, I don't have a person who I could practice my spoken English with. And also I need to work on my vocabulary... 


I'll give you a piece of advice. Though, I'm not a native speaker of English but I think in order you to improve your listening skills you should watch a lot of English videos. But please don't watch movies first if they seem very hard to understand for you! I would recommend to start watching videos with a very easy English (for example, some kids programs). If they seem very easy for you, do try to find materials a little bit more difficult. The main thing is you should understand 90-95 % of material that you're listening or you're watching! And of course the best way to practice English is talking with native speakers! 


your writing skills seem good. well, its a good start.

i think the best next step is to watch english movies with subtitles. your listening will improve a lot and speaking will follow.


I've the same problem, sister.


I thought myself still weak three skill.Now i'm trying pactice writing skill by try to answer discussion question and pactice listening skill by listen my favorite english song,subtitles movie,Ted.com(this website shared about awesome idea and all videos have subtitle) or try to find singer that you like i like Avril lavigne song  name When you're gone so much! this's first english song that i can listen many time it very good meaning.This song make me change to listen english song.And my very the most weakest skill is speaking!.
