Japanese Females:We Oppose Going Dutch Going Dutch is popular among the young males and females in Japan. Males seldom treat females have a meal, even though they are lovers. Many young females complain about that. They think Japanese men are not generous. Some even think their boyfriends do not give a shit to them and going Dutch is not considerate. The Rocket News 24 website reported many young Japanese females complained about their boyfriends on the Internet. They considered males were mean with money, some said they prefer to go out with the males would like to pick up the tab for them and care about them. Many females believe that males should foot the bill for females when they have date, which is a etiquette, which is taken for granted. But in today’s Japan, going Dutch has become a mainstream of society. Females express they feel comfortable when males pay the bill for them. But many modern Japanese males adhere to the principle of not owing each other when they are in love, with which makes most of females feel unsatisfied. The website also said many females think males are more mean in spirit than with money , and males wouldn’t like to do something for their partners, which makes the other sides can not feel consolation in heart. Some of females said they are not material ,they just want to experience the feeling of being cherished. Some Japanese men left the messages online as a reply, they said females must be more worthy if they want males to pay the bill for them. They also can not identify with femals’ thought that paying the bill for females is considerate. They said if they win love by that way, they would rather not be in love. The report commented at last, many Japanese think the statement that many Japanese females hope to marry Chinese males is not realistic, but there it is. Japanese males have strong male chauvinism, which makes females feel depressed and helpless. Something seems simply, like making a meal reservation, treating girlfriends and so on, is hard for Japanese men. The view on love of Japanese females is changing, They seek spiritual consolation much more than material life. To some extent, going Dutch encourages the social environment of not considerating. The material is from a Chinese report. Here is the website address:
2011年12月26日 09:19
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The website report also said many females think males are more mean in spirit than with stingy with their money , and males wouldn’t like want to do something anything for their partners. which makes the other sides can not feel consolation in heart.(我不懂你的意思) Some of females said they are not material did not want to be treated as objects; instead, they just wanted to experience the feeling of being be cherished.
Some Japanese men left the messages online as a reply, they said left replies saying that females must should be more worthy if they females wanted males to pay the bill for them, they [the females] would have to demonstrate their worth. They also can not could not identify with the females’ thought belief that paying the entire bill for females is was a sign of consideration. They said if they had to win love[affection] by that way, they would rather not be in love.
Lastly, the report commented at last, that many Japanese think the statement that idea of many Japanese females hoping to marry Chinese males is not realistic, but there it is. Japanese males have strong male chauvinism, which makes females feel depressed and helpless. Something seems simply, Simple things like making a meal reservation, treating girlfriends and so on other such things, is are hard [difficult] for Japanese men.
The view on [of] love of by Japanese females is changing, They seek spiritual consolation much more than material life living.  To some extent, going Dutch encourages the a social environment of not considerating that lacks consideration.
The material is from a Chinese report.
Here is the website address:


Japanese Females:We Oppose Going Dutch

Going Dutch is popular among the young males and females in Japan. Males seldom treat females have out for a meal, even though if they are lovers. Many young females complain about that. They think the Japanese men are not [being] generous. Some even think their boyfriends do not give a shit to about them. and Others also think that going Dutch is not considerate [shows a lack of consideration].
The Rocket News 24 website reported that many young Japanese females had complained about their boyfriends on the Internet. They considered thought the males were mean stingy with their money, Some said that they preferred to go out with the males would like to pick up the tab for them and care about for them.

"<em>Care for</em>" is often used when one person cares for another person or living thing.  It is similiar in meaning to "attend to" and  "look after" and often implies at a sense of love.

I <em>care for</em> my parents, so I make sure that they take their medicine and have daily exercise.

The girl <em>cared for</em> her dog by giving it a bath and trimming its nails.

"<em>Care about</em>" is often used for a topic, idea or some other intangible thing.  It is similar in meaning to "place great importance on" and "value"

I <em>care about</em> my health, so I eat many vegetables.

She <em>cares about</em> her reputation, so she only wears designer brand jeans.

Many females believed that males should foot the bill for females when they have date, which is an etiquette, which is [often] taken for granted. But in today’s Japan [the Japan of today], going Dutch has become a mainstream of society. Females expressed that they feel felt comfortable when males pay paid the bill for them. But many modern Japanese males adhere to the principle of not owing each other anything when they are in love, dating, something with which makes most of females feel unsatisfied.


Maybe it's the cultural difference between different countries.
men and women always thinking differently