First notebook entry: Introducing myself kapla! ghojmoH jIH Klingon DaH!
2012年11月17日 04:17
修改 · 1

kapla! ghojmoH jIH Klingon DaH!


First off: Enough with the Qapla's. Klingons <em>do not greet</em>.

Secondly: Adverbs come at the beginning of the sentance(with a few exceptions)

Thirdly:klingon needs to be at the beggining of the sentance, since klingon follows a object-verb-subject word order, and the klingon word for the klingon language is "tlhIngan Hol"

Fourthly: Since i'm assuming you want to say "i teach myself" instead of "i am learning", JIH needs to be the indirect object of the verb, becoming jIHvaD

Fifthly: ghojmoH needs a subject. Add the vI- prefix to indicate first person subject and third person objec and you get vIghojmoH

Lastly: I assume you're not done, add -taH to indicate that (you can use -lI' if you have a defined ending point)


"DaH jIHvaD tlhIngan Hol vIghojmoHtaH"


Klingon has wildly different grammar, you need to look into it if you want your sentances to make sense

