Rosa Maria
What tv makes you feel... I' m not habituated to watch tv after lunch as normally i work until late but as now I'm on holyday, i can do a relaxed lunch, a little siesta and since last week I started to watch a soap opera in tv that make me feel very comfortable, calm and sweet. It's a about a rich boy who crash his car against a moto drived by a girl. It wansn't a big accident but this was the way where the boy knew the girl. They like each other and the girl told him each day at the same time she passes through the road to get home. The day after, the boy, Rafael, was waiting for her and invited the girl to dinner but unfortunally she refused but the boy did a sourprising act, as he opened this car and got a big tissue and a bag full of cheese and grapes so, they could sit down for a little while to eat something and profit to know something about each other. They felt in love very quickly and after the girl went home, she gave her phone number.
2014年7月31日 08:54
修改 · 7

What tv makes you feel...

I' m not habituated used to watching tv after lunch as normally i work until late but as now I'm now (no et vas equivocar pero aixi em sona millor) on holyday holiday, i can do a relaxed lunch*, have a little siesta and since last week I started to watch a soap opera in on tv that makes me feel very comfortable, calm and sweet*.

It's a about a rich boy who crashed his car against a moto bike/motorbike drived by a girl ridden by a girl. It wansn't wasn't a big accident but this was the way where the boy knew the girl this is how the boy and the girl met. They now like each other and the girl told tells him each everyday (No es molt clar el que vols dir, pero suposo que vols dir que cada dia ella li diu que l'estima) at the same time when she passes through the road to get home. The day after, the boy, Rafael, was waiting for her and invited the girl her (altre cop no et vas equivocar pero aixi em sona millor) to dinner but unfortunally she refused but the boy did a sourprising act something surprising/unexpected (he did a surprising act esta be, pero em sona un amicetta estrany), as he opened this the car and got out a big tissue and a bag full of cheese and grapes so, they could sit down for a little while to eat something and profit get to know something about each one another. They felt fell in love very quickly and after the girl went home, she gave him her phone number.


*No entenc :S, vols dir que cuinas o que menjas ?

*It makes me feel sweet? Aquesta frase no te sentit, que vols dir?

Es un molt bo paragraf, em vas impresionar espero que segueixis practicant. Ho sento per el meu catala. 


<em>     I'm not in the habit of watching television</em> after lunch<em> because I usually have to get back to</em> work<em>,</em> but <em>since I'm on vacation now, I </em>can <em>enjoy a casual</em> lunch <em>and </em>a little siesta. Last week I started <em>watching</em> a soap opera <em>that is making</em> me feel <em>good inside</em>.

     It's a about a rich boy who <em>was in a car accident with a girl riding a scooter</em>. <em>The</em> accident <em>wasn't serious, </em>but <em>that</em> was the way <em>they</em> <em>met</em>. They like each other, and the girl told him <em>that she travels that same road every day to go home</em>. The <em>following </em>day, the boy, "Rafael," was waiting for her <em>along the road </em>and invited <em>her</em> to <em>eat</em>. <em>When</em> she refused, the boy <em>surprised her with a picnic blanket and a lunch</em> of cheese and grapes. They <em>sat down</em> down for a little while to eat <em>and talk,</em> <em>and get to know</em> each other. They <em>fell</em> in love, and <em>before</em> the girl went home she gave her phone number <em>to him</em>. 

<em>¡Qué dulce! He cambiado algunas palabras para hacer esta lectura mejor. ¡Tendrá que escribir con nosotros sobre su romance cada semana! </em>
