Apple of Discord Eris, goddess of Discord, wasn't invited to the wedding of Thetis and Peleus, because of her nature. Eris become really mad because of it, so she decided to take revenge on the gods of Olimpus. So she came in the middle of feast of the gods, and put on the table a golden apple with an inscription in it; "To the Fairest". Athena, Aphrodite and Hera reclamed the golden apple, and told Zeus to decide which one of the goddess deserved the apple. Zeus couldn't decide, because it wouldn't be fair, so he claimed Paris, a Trojan mortal, to be the jugde. Athena offered him the power to win every war, Hera offered him to have a special place in the Olimpus, but Aphrodite offered him the love of the more beautiful woman in the world, so he said she deserved the apple. So the goddess of love and beauty kidnaps Helen of Sparta for the mortal man. And that's how start the Trojan War.
2014年8月23日 18:48
修改 · 3

Apple of Discord

Eris, goddess of Discord, wasn't invited to the wedding of Thetis and Peleus, because of her temperament/character nature. Eris become really mad because of this it, so and she decided to take revenge on the gods of Olympus. So She came in the middle of the Feast of the Gods, and put on the table a golden apple with an inscription in on it; "To the Fairest". Athena, Aphrodite and Hera reclaimed the golden apple, and told Zeus to decide which one of the goddesses deserved the apple. Zeus couldn't decide, because it wouldn't have been be fair, so he claimed commanded Paris, a Trojan mortal, to be the jugde judge. Athena offered him Paris the power to win every war, Hera offered him to have a special place in the Olympus, but Aphrodite offered him the love of the more most beautiful woman in the world, so he said she deserved the apple. So the goddess of love and beauty kidnapped  Helen of Sparta for the this mortal man, and that's how the Trojan War started.

Interesting topic:)

