Nicolás Negrón
Arabic sentences I have a couple of sentences in arabic :) انا محامي (I'm a lawyer) هذه محاميتي، ينيس (This is my lawyer, Ines) بنتي مهندسة (My daughter is an engineer) ابني مدرس (My son is a teacher) امي ممرضة (My mother is a nurse) ابي طبيب (My father is a doctor) نحن محاميون (We are lawyers) هم طبيبون (They are doctors) هن نجارات (They are carpenters)
2014年8月28日 05:14
修改 · 5


نحن محاميون (We are lawyers)

نحن مُحامون
هم طبيبون (They are doctors)

هُم أطباء


The rest of the sentences is good (y).


Arabic sentences

I have a couple of sentences in arabic :)

انا محامي (I'm a lawyer)
هذه محاميتي، ينيس (This is my lawyer, Ines)

بنتي مهندسة (My daughter is an engineer)
ابني مدرس (My son is a teacher)
امي ممرضة (My mother is a nurse)
ابي طبيب (My father is a doctor)

نحن محاميون (We are lawyers)
هم طبيبون (They are doctors)
هن نجارات (They are carpenters)


Arabic sentences

I have a couple of sentences in arabic :)

انا محامي (I'm a lawyer)
هذه محاميتي، ينيس (This is my lawyer, Ines)

ابنتي مهندسة (My daughter is an engineer)
ابني مدرس (My son is a teacher)
أمي ممرضة (My mother is a nurse)
أبي طبيب (My father is a doctor)

نحن محاميون (We are lawyers)
هم أطباء (They are doctors)
هم نجارون (They are carpenters)


Arabic sentences

 * هم طبيبون (They are doctors)  

the correction is : هم أطباء 

طبيب is singular form 

أطباء is plural form 
* هن نجارات (They are carpenters) 

They = هم or هن depend on your situation and who you are talking about 

هم for the Masculine form 

هن for the Feminine form 

نجارات is the plural form of  (نجار) but in the Feminine form 

نجارين is the plural form of  (نجار) but in the the Masculine form 

I hope you get it :) 
